Friday, November 21, 2014

Natural Remedies for Gout

Gout is triggered by the following factors;
  • Excessive consumption of foods rich in Purines such as animal organs that include kidney, heart, liver and brain.
  • excessive consumption of alcohol
  • overweight
  • heredity
The best way to handle gout is to ensure that you cut down on excessive accumulation of uric acid in the body. There are several natural remedies available for gout. One of the most important natural gout treatment remedies is the herbal treatment.
Herbs have been used by humankind since time immemorial to treat various ailments. Some of the world’s famous drugs derive their chemical formulae from natural herbs. There are several herbs that have been known to treat gout. Although all these herbs perform dual functions, that is, neutralizing uric acid and relieving pain through anti-inflammatory properties, they do fall into two main categories;
  • Neutralizing herbs for natural gout treatment
  • Anti-inflammation herbs for natural gout treatment
Neutralizing herbs;
alfalfa for natural gout treatment
Alfalfa – Alfalfa is a herb that has been used since time immemorial by Chinese and Arabs in treatment of various ailments including gout. Alfalfa has a rich variety of vitamins and essential minerals which make it have diuretic properties that not only help to neutralize uric acid but breaks uric acid into forms that can easily be excreted out of the body system. Alfalfa also contains anti-inflammatory properties that help you to relieve gout pain.
Read about certain precautions and side effects of overuse of Alfalfa – Alfalfa for natural gout treatment

Other than the more effective Alfalfa, other herbs that have neutralizing effect include the Devil’s Claw, cayenne, licorice, meadowsweet (leaves and flower tops), feverfew, boswellia and white willow bark.

Anti-inflammation herbs:
Nettle roots – Nettle roots have diuretic properties which serve to break down uric acid into simple compounds that that can easily be excreted. Furthermore, it has antihistamine properties which serve as pain relievers against gout.

Bilberries and Blueberries – Bilberry contains high levels of both Vitamin C and Potassium. These serve both functions of neutralizing and decomposing uric acid for easy excretion and pain relief. So these can be used as natural remedies for gout.

Other than herbs, there are other natural remedies that aid in treatment of gout. These include;
Cherries and other Vitamin C fruits – Cherries, especially the Black Cherry juice is a very important natural remedy for gout. Black Cherry and other fruits rich in Vitamin C such as lime fruit and oranges help to neutralize excessive uric acid in the body.

Potassium-rich foods – Apples and Bananas are rich in potassium. Potassium is known to dilute and neutralize uric acid and therefore taking foods rich in Potassium goes a long way in treating gout.
Use of herbs for natural gout treatment is a highly effective means of managing gout in the absence of conventional medicines.


1 comment:

    I wanna thank God for Using Dr. Odey Abang to restore my son's Happiness. He came from school crying that he was diagnosed of Herpes and his teacher and the Physician Therapist told him he could not get a cure rather living on drugs, he never talk to us about it anymore not knowing he plans committing suicide . I had to monitor him and explain to him that he should manage the prescribes ACYCLOVIR, , FAMCICLOVIR and the VALACYCLOVIR.
    4 months later, he told me about an Herbalist who he heard curing people from online and he sents through the DHL service. Not quite long,he brought his phone, had to speak with the Herbalist and explain how my son had really felt and desperate in need of the cures, he assured me with no site effects after taking the medicine and promise to do as he said, 5 days later, t medicine arrived, applied as instructed and within two weeks to finish,I had my son told me he was wondering why all this while,they have not approved the cures of which doctor ODEY told him he Cures.
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