Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Veggie Vegan Pizza on Quinoa Crust - Gluten Free!

Makes one 8 inch pizza:
- 3/4 of a cup of quinoa (soaked for about eight hours)
- 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
- 2 teaspoons of mixed herbs, I used herbs de provence and oregano
- a sprinkling of chilli flakes
- salt
For toppings I used:
- 2 tablespoons of organic tomato puree
- a dozen cherry tomatoes
- a handful of artichokes
- a handful of pitted black olives
- a handful of rocket (arugula)

Soak the quinoa overnight or for about eight hours in water . The best way to do this is put the quinoa in a larger bowl and cover it in water, make sure that it's covered by a few cm's. Then leave this to one side.
Once you're ready to make the pizza, pre-heat the oven to 190C. Then drain any water left in the quinoa bowl, before putting the quinoa into a food processor with the apple cider vinegar, herb, chilli flakes and salt. Blend for a few minutes until a smooth dough forms, it should look a bit like pancake mix.
Line the bottom of a pizza dish or cake pan with olive oil and pour the mix in, then bake for about 15- 20 minutes, until the base is firm - it cooks really pretty quickly though.
Remove and add your topping, either place it back in the oven for a few minutes to warm them or enjoy your toppings raw! I like my tomatoes and tomato puree heated and the rest of my ingredients raw. Delicious!




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