Eating with a purpose

True healthy eating involves eating with a purpose. What are you eating and why? The foods that you select should be carefully selected and should possess the nutrients needed to over come some health issues and promote overall good health.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Types of Glucosamine to Avoid:

Glucosamine sulfate by itself is perfect for the body's use, but you should avoid Chondroitin Sulfate with the NaCL (or KCl) (or if the ingredients list says potassium or salt after the sulfate).Some manufacturers are somewhat tricky about this; remember, unless it only says Glucosamine Sulfate or HCL, you likely are getting an inferior product. It is easy for people to see the Chondroitin Sulfate and simply ignore the KCl abbreviation on the end. Since we are not all molecular scientists, paying attention to the NaCl and KCl ("the salts") highlights even more (unneeded but cheaper) carrier molecules that can be up to 30% of the product's weight. Albeit that some carrier molecules are needed... such as sulfate or HCL alone, this is primarily because raw Chondroitin exists as an unstable molecule. This arthritis supplement absolutely needs to be bound to the sulfate or HCL carrier in order to be stored successfully. NAG (N-Acetylglucosamine or N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine), is another rarer form of Chondroitin that should be totally avoided altogether due to it's ineffectiveness and useless expense. Be warned; watch out for Chondroitin products with those markings.

How does this supplement work?

This supplement will work inside your body by stimulating the production of the Glycans (). Your Glycans acts as a "nutrient base" for the growth of your cartilage. Stimulating the production of the Glycans will set off a complex chain of cellular construction that increases the density and viscosity of your cartilage over time. This healing process does not happen overnight like a drug, Chondroitin must be supplied continuosly with excercise over time that is relatant to your age and joint damage. This rebuilding and healing is exactly what reduces and eliminates your joint pain.

What is it and where does it come from?

Glucosamine is formed when glucose combines with an amino acid. It is a building block for cartilage. Glucosamine sulfate is a form of glucosamine that has some extremely beneficial uses, especially for healing connective tissue. This arthritis treatment is a small and simple molecular building block used to aid body builders and athletes with joint pain by helping to repair and lubricate the cartilage around damaged joints.The body absorbs this arthritis supplement quickly and efficiently when ingested. It is found in seashells and high quality supplements of Glucosamine sulfate are available from 77 Canada Pharmacy

What does it do and what scientific studies give evidence to support this?

According to convincing research, Chondroitin sulfate may take a part in healing wounds as well as regenerating cartilage in joints. By providing joints with the essential raw materials, Chondroitin sulfate can help rebuild cartilage and lessen joint pain. Research shows that it is absorbed into the body at a rate much more effective than other "joint-healers". Because of the small size of the molecules, they are absorbed at a rate of 98%--compare that to the mere 13% absorption rate of chondroitin sulfate, and you can understand why glucosamine sulfate works so much better. By stimulating production of additional synovial fluid, studies show that glucosamine sulfate helps keep joints in the body rolling smoothly. Recent studies have found that as a readily absorbed building block for cartilage, glucosamine sulfate works as a rebuilder of cartilage in humans.

Who needs it and what are some symptoms of deficiency?

Not only can those who suffer from joint pain benefit from this supplement intake, but athletes and bodybuilders can greatly benefit as well. In fact, nearly everybody who trains with weights may have a tendency to overuse certain joints, and consequently, this arthritis capsule can help to regain cushioning, protecting cartilage around joints. A deficiency has not been found to occur in humans.

How much should be taken? Are there any side effects?

Most studies show that supplementing a balanced diet with about 500 mg three times a day is very effective. There have been no reported cases of toxicity associated with proper dosages of glucosamine sulfate.

Monday, December 28, 2009


Exercise May Slow Aging at the Molecular Level. It is frequently proposed that regular physical activity can aid in prolonging the lifespan when performed at moderate levels. It is suggested this extension of life, and most importantly, total number of healthy years is due to various physiological and psychological benefits associated with routine exercise. Many individuals engage in regular training routines to suppress disease while enhancing their overall vitality and promoting longevity of their lifespan. In a current study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, researchers investigated this topic at the molecular level. DNA telomere shortening within bodily cells is a tell-tale sign of the aging process; therefore researchers explored the consequences of physical activity on telomere biology to see if exercise may truly have an anti-aging effect. Levels of telomere-stabilizing proteins, apoptosis regulators (control the elimination of damaged or unneeded cells without negative inflammatory effects on surrounding tissues), and circulating leukocytes were examined within comparative groups of endurance athletes or sedentary humans and active or sedentary mice.

Within the subgroups where mice were examined, half were randomly selected to freely exercise on a wheel while the other half were inhibited from engaging in structured activity for a three week period. The mice that exercised presented with elevated telomerase activity in the thoracic aorta and circulating mononuclear cells (a type of macrophage), increased expression of telomere stabilizing proteins, and showed reduced expression of apoptosis regulators. This illustrates that reactive systemic dynamics from the exercise may have had a protective and anti-aging effect with relation to telomerase activity.

When the human subgroups were examined, a group of professional track-and-field athletes (mean age 20.4) and middle aged endurance runners (mean age 51.1) that had a training tenure of approximately 35 years were compared with a sedentary group of individuals of similar ages who rarely engaged in physical activity. The endurance athlete group presented with increased telomerase activity, elevated telomere-stabilizing proteins, and downregulation of apoptosis regulators when compared to the sedentary controls. The older, physically inactive controls had significantly shorter telomeres than all other participants. Furthermore, relative telomere erosion in circulating leukocytes were considerably lower in the endurance athletes who had trained for decades when compared to the sedentary controls.

“Our study population may have been too small and too young to detect subtle differences in telomere length, but the data show that beneficial anti-senescent effects of physical activity are observed more rapidly than effects on telomere length itself”, the researchers stated. The researchers also acknowledged that the possibility could not be excluded that advanced telomere shortening in the older physically inactive controls was not partly due to an unknown selection bias. Also, it could not be induced to what extent exercise’s advantageous effects on metabolism, heart rate, and blood pressure regulated telomere biology, as opposed to the physical activity itself. The researchers did claim that the observations were direct evidence that exercise does have anti-aging and prominent vasculoprotective effects. In summary, it seems that prolonged structured exercise may have a significant effect on preserving telomere length and the potential for a longer life. These findings may help to maintain the motivation to stay active now, so that one can continue to be active for many years down the road.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Anyone who has ever suffered from a major backache knows how central the back is, even in times you might think it isn't important. Even something like squeezing a tennis ball, an action that involves a focus on the fingers, forearm and bicep will involve the latissimus dorsi and other back muscles.

The lats are the large 'side' muscles that make a man triangle-shaped. To demonstrate how they are used during squeezing a tennis ball, try it! You'll quickly feel a tensing of the muscles on the side of the arm you use. It's especially noticeable if you have back pain.

Any sport will require strong back muscles, for speed and coordination, for balance and movement and for providing a strong 'pillar' for all the limbs to move off of.

Here are some simple exercises to help stretch and strengthen those all-important back muscles. Most of them are better performed on a firm, but not hard surface. While you work the muscles, you don't want to cause undue, painful pressure on bony parts of the body.

Knee to Chest

Lie on your back and clasp your hands behind one thigh. Pull slowly toward the chest, keeping the other leg flat on the ground. Vary the action by flexing the ankle - first pointing the toe, then pulling it back toward the knee - at the same time as you stretch the leg.

Hold each position for 5 seconds, then switch legs and repeat. Do 10 reps.


Lie back, knees raised and together, feet flat on the floor. With your arms extended and near the body, and your palms flat on the floor, lift the feet off the ground slightly and rotate your trunk by moving the knee. Move the knees slightly left, then right.

Over time, as you become more flexible and build strength, you can increase the range of motion. Ultimately, you should be able to touch your knee to the floor.

Alternate the action by crossing your arms over your chest, then repeat.

Pelvic Press

Lie down on your back, knees raised and feet flat on the floor. Push the small of the back into the floor, feel the tension in the lower abdominals. Vary the action by moving your feet together and performing the exercise, then slightly apart and repeat.

As you press into the ground, hold for 5 seconds, but continue to breathe slowly and normally.

Pelvic Lift

Lie on your back, knees raised and feet flat on the ground, arms crossed over your chest. Keeping the legs and knees together, raise the buttocks up slightly and hold for 5 seconds. Lower slowly, count to two, then repeat.

Remember to breathe normally through the exercise, in and out slowly.

Dog Stretches

On all fours, raise your head, eyes forward. Lower your arms and arch your back, hold 2 seconds, then resume the starting position. Slowly extend one leg, as near parallel to the floor as you can. Hold 3 seconds, and then put the leg back into starting position. (If this produces back, hip, or leg pain stop immediately.)

Switch legs and repeat. Vary the exercise by extending the leg with toe pointed, then flex the ankle perpendicular to the leg. Hold for 2 seconds and repeat. Do 10 reps for each leg.

Never perform these exercises if they produce back pain. Mild discomfort from inactivity is natural. Pain is a signal that something is wrong. Consult your physician. offers proprietary products like Whey Protein for muscle repair and growth and Joint Science for Joint Health.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


From some trainers 'No pain, no gain' really means 'you should feel some pain'. While mild discomfort is to be expected, especially for those just beginning a new fitness routine, pain is a natural warning sign. Pay attention to it.

A good workout routine will test you, but shouldn't damage you. As muscles get used, especially somewhat beyond their usual range, lactic acid, micro-tears and other physiological changes occur that result in muscles being built up stronger than before.

But if you are experiencing back pain, neck aches, knee joint soreness and other symptoms, you should consult with an expert. Your technique may be wrong, you may be trying to do too much, too soon, or you may have a medical problem that should be addressed.

Work up to any vigorous routine slowly. How slowly will vary from person to person, depending on age, experience, prior exercise routines and overall fitness. Get muscles warm and limber before cranking it up. Most strains and rips result from being too cold and not stretching, or extending more than you're ready for.

Warm-ups should take at least 15 minutes and include very gentle jogging in place or jumping jacks to get the cardio and lung systems working well. They should include some slow, gradual stretching to get joints lubricated and muscles relaxed and gently lengthened. Warm-ups that are too short can easily lead to stretched or torn cartilage that takes a long time to heal.

Don't let inexperienced trainers, or so-called 'friends' embarrass you into believing you have to get out and run five miles two weeks after an injury, surgery or other debilitating condition. Physical therapy and exercise sometimes requires that you work against discomfort, but you don't leap over tall buildings the first day out.

Every person committed to fitness will want to push him or herself to achieve excellence. But an attitude that leads to overdoing it is counter-productive to your goal. You're working to improve or maximize health and overall body tone and strength - not proving you are 'mentally tough'.

Before you begin a new routine that involves activities that are unfamiliar, get guidance from an expert. Next to bad warm-ups or overdoing it, incorrect technique is the leading cause of injury. If you don't know how to use a station at the weight machine correctly, don't be embarrassed to ask. No one is born with this knowledge. Anyone who mocks you for ignorance isn't someone whose opinions you have reason to heed.

Be aware of your environment while you go through your routine. It's easy to get into a rhythm, get concentrated on your workout and end up crashing into a wall or a nearby person. Jogging especially requires that you pay attention to the surface you run on and the people and cars around you. No shoe in existence will keep you from slipping on a muddy patch. Only awareness and good reflexes can help.

Stay within your comfort zone as you gradually expand it. One of the foremost reasons people give up on workouts is injuries produced by working beyond their capacity. That makes working out no longer fun. Building up, while you build out, to increase your ability to do more, faster will keep you going for years to come.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Diet and exercise are the preferred twin partner methods for losing weight and excess body fat. A proper diet and age-appropriate, regular exercise will help almost anyone stay fit and in the correct weight range.But, unfortunately for some, other methods are sometimes needed. Whether through long-term poor development of willpower, genetic disposition, disease or other factors, maintaining the proper weight for the obese sometimes requires outside assistance.Fad diets rarely work, and almost never for very long.

Some nutritional supplements and other compounds can help to a degree. But for many in this situation, weight loss surgery is the only hope.There are many forms of surgery these days and all have pros and cons. The most important criteria are effectiveness, risk and side effects.Surgical techniques have evolved over the past few decades, and most are effective, in the sense that they do typically lead to substantial weight loss. That loss comes about usually as the result of restricted caloric intake by eating less or by absorbing less of the food that is eaten.One of the earliest forms was gastric bypass surgery.

All or part of the stomach was removed and the digestive system reconnected. Originally extremely dangerous, it has evolved but still carries substantial risks. It is no longer the preferred method. Patients who undergo the procedure have to take supplements forever after and the risk of disease and nutritional deficiencies remains high.Stomach stapling is one technique that has been around for many years now. Initially highly dangerous, it has become much safer in the past 10 years. There are still substantial risks, however, as with any major surgery.The procedure consists of opening the patient and clamping portions of the stomach with specialized surgical staples.

 Newer methods sometimes make possible laparoscopy, in which a small hole is created through which the surgeon works, but the patient isn't opened up.There are risks of bleeding, though small. Patients can become ill if they attempt to eat more than the recommended amount. They may also suffer from nutritional deficiencies that can be lifelong, requiring supplements.The net effect is to create a smaller stomach, leading to a more rapid feeling of fullness. The patient simply eats less and therefore takes in fewer calories. The body turns to stored fat for energy and the result is less fat and lower weight.A newer form involves installing an adjustable Lap Band around the stomach.

This eliminates the need to puncture the stomach and makes it possible for the physician to adjust the effect as the patient loses weight.Generally safe, the procedure can be done on an outpatient basis. Most consider it a minor inconvenience, though like any medical procedure it's expensive and insurance companies increasingly won't pay for it. The band itself is not painful.Patients typically experience rapid weight loss, but at the same time (as fat comes out of adipose tissue) many hormonal changes take place. Close, regular medical observation is important for the success of the procedure and the health of the patient.There are dozens of names for the various procedures, Biliopancreatic Diversion, Vertical Banded Gastroplasty, Adjustable gastric band, sleeve gastrectomy (with or without Duodenal Switch), Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and others. All are termed bariatric surgery.But whichever procedure an individual considers, careful thought should be given to weighing the risks and benefits. For many, a commitment to long-term dietary and lifestyle changes is a better option. For those who believe surgery is the best option, consulting with an experienced physician is essential.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


In order to optimize your health a good diet is essential. But, with all the fad diets around it can be difficult to know what is 'good'. Nutrition science to the rescue! Though some things are still controversial, numerous studies reinforce the following basic information.A healthy diet requires not just items from the four basic food groups, but in the proper proportion. The average person will need about 2000-2500 calories (sometimes more for larger men, less for women and those looking for rapid weight loss). About 50% of those calories should come in the form of carbohydrates, with 30% from fats (yes, fat is good!) and 20% from protein.Carbohydrates are the main source of compounds needed for energy. Simple sugars, such as glucose and fructose, are rapidly broken down in the intestine and absorbed. Some processing starts the minute they hit your tongue.

Complex carbohydrates - starches, such as those found in potatoes - take longer, but are also healthy in moderation.Fats are chemically similar to carbohydrates, and contain fatty acids essential to health. Proteins are lysed (split) to make amino acids, that are then recombined to form proteins used in muscles and other structures.Meat is a valid and healthy source of protein for almost everyone. About 3 ounces per meal is about right for the average sized person. A cup of pasta is a good source of carbohydrates. Two cups of leafy green vegetables supply fiber, minerals and vitamins.

A balanced meal can be made up of a serving of meat or other protein source, starchy carbohydrates such as pasta, rice, corn or potatoes, and fruit. Easy on the butter or margarine, go light on cheese, sauces and anything high in sugar or fat.Though you could get the basics from a variety of sources, when considering weight control in addition to getting the proper balance, it's important to know which sources are high in what.Fat contains nine calories per gram, which is double than other energy sources. Thus, you need to keep those foods high in fat down to modest levels. That also helps control cholesterol levels. All sources of carbohydrates have four calories per gram. But healthy sources also contain needed minerals, vitamins and fiber. Some examples are fruits (apples, pears, peaches), nuts (walnuts are lower in fat than peanuts or cashews, for example) and grains (for fiber and minerals).

Why is candy bad, unless consumed in very modest portions? Because they are designed to be high in fat, high in sugar with much lower amounts of helpful nutrients. Neither fat nor sugar are harmful in moderation. Indeed, they're essential to good health. But when consumed in a form that contains an excessive proportion, they provide enormous calories and fewer other nutrients.A single Snickers candy bar, for example, contains 63g, with 53g of sugar, but only 2g of fiber. A cup of broccoli, by contrast, has only 6g total, of which 2.5g are fiber, 1.5g are sugars. A cup of sweet corn has 31g total, 21g are starch (complex carbohydrates), 3g of fiber.Making a list of items you consume will show you the relative amounts of helpful nutrients - and how many calories each contains. Putting a little arithmetic into your diet plan will help you reduce the number you obsess over - your weight.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Anyone interested in fitness wants to have great looking abs - firm, rippled and well-toned, along with a trim waist. All those are achievable, but beware accepting any myths about flat stomachs and spot reduction around the waist.

As you exercise, you consume energy measured in calories. When you consume enough to deplete the available energy, and enough to reduce the sugars that convert easily, the body goes after stored energy. That stored energy is largely in the form of fat deposits in adipose tissue. Remember that nutrition is an important part of any exercise program.

But that process takes place non-selectively. You don't get to choose which fat deposits the body converts. That means, you can't 'spot reduce' by working on your abs. The effect is still achievable, but doing abdominal exercises alone doesn't target that fat.

When you focus on the abs, you will build strength in that area, by increasing the muscle mass in those muscles. That's helpful for a number of reasons. It keeps a firm, strong layer of muscle which helps keep the stomach and other internal organs well inside the plane defined by your hips. You get a nice trim, flat look.

Abdominal exercises help in another way, too. Since the abdominals are large muscles, they consume a proportionately larger percentage of energy than, say, your jaw muscles. That means that as you work them, they have to be supplied with more energy to move through the range of the exercise. That burns many calories, resulting in weight loss and fat reduction.

The effect is also limited by genetics and age. Some people store more fat around the middle more readily than others. Gender, obviously, makes a difference as well.

Many women in their 40s will naturally develop a pouch in the lower abdomen as their hormones change. Many men will naturally develop 'love handles' at the side, since they store fat in adipose tissue there more readily in their 40s than they did in their 20s.

In order to achieve the desired effect you have to approach muscle fatigue. There's no need to perform a hundred crunches to accomplish that. Done correctly, 20 reps is enough. You don't even have to go to the gym. You can do pelvic tilts while sitting in a chair in the office.

But for best effect, warm up and try the following:

Lie on your back, with your knees raised and cross your arms across your chest. Then lift your shoulders off the floor and hold for 30 seconds. You can feel the effect on your abs already. To make the exercise more difficult, put your hands at the side of your head. Don't use your hands to lift your head, just keep them still. For maximum effort, put your hands above your head, then perform the same shoulder lift and hold, focusing on the abs.

Feel the burn. Repeat daily for 10 minutes or twenty reps, in a few weeks, you'll see definite results.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Reliable research indicates that one in three of us is carrying excess fat due to a sluggish liver caused by toxins. This creates fat build up around our abdominal area. Science has shown that abdominal fat can lead to a person's risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke and some types of cancer. Clinical trials show that Milk Thistle contains silymarin which increases the growth of healthy liver cells. The recommended dose is 300mg daily. 

A healthy liver needs regular doses of the antioxidants. Cutting down on pain relievers is another step in having a healthy liver as well as daily exercise. Walking is considered an excellent form of exercise because it activates the liver's detox process. You are ultimately responsible for the health of your body and having a healthy liver is primary to living a healthy life.

When body fat begins to accumulate, that usually means toxins are accumulating too. The body retains fats as a way to protect the vital organs in the body from the toxins that we ingest (and create through stress). Body fat accumulation, especially around the mid section, is a visible sign of toxic build up and a good indication that the liver is not functioning as efficiently as it should.

If toxins build up faster than they can be eliminated, in an attempt to protect your organs, your body will actually make body fat for the specific purpose of storing toxins as far away from vital organs as possible. This fat is particularly stubborn fat that is very difficult to lose unless you decrease the toxic load and you do something to help your body detoxify.
So when we detoxify and cleanse the body of toxins, we give the body a chance to repair and strengthen itself - and when the toxins disappear, guess what happens to the protective layer of fat...yes, that disappears too!

Monday, August 24, 2009


Despite your obsession with thinness, somehow your body has not connected to your mind and each Monday as you creep on the scale you become more desperate. Do you look at your body in the mirror and wonder how fat seems to be growing in places its never been? If this sounds familiar, don't despair! I'll share with you some hidden secrets that can help you understand why you may be getting fatter rather than fitter and why fat loss is a greater challenge for women than men!

Father Time - Beginning in our mid-20s, women lose approximately 7 pounds of muscle mass and gain 15 pounds of fat every decade. (Men lose about 5 pounds of muscle a decade) So, by our mid-40s, we will have lost almost 15 pounds of metabolically active muscle and replaced it with 30 pounds of sluggish fat (if you are not exercising). While the scale tells us that we are only 15 pounds heavier, our metabolism has been dramatically reduced and body composition has changed in unfavorable proportions. The good news is that these changes are, in large part, the result of inactivity and can be reversed with exercise.

Unfortunately it gets worse for women. After menopause, the rate of muscle loss doubles going from 7 pounds a decade to 14 pounds. By the time a woman is in her 60's she can have as little as 20 - 30 pounds of muscle left so not only is she displeased with her figure, but she is more prone to falls and breaking bones.
Also with age, the skin begins to lose its elasticity, sag and lose its ability to contain fat giving a rippled appearance often referred to as cellulite. The dimpled effect is caused by the fibers of connective tissue losing elasticity and allowing the fat to seep through like yogurt through cheesecloth. Yuck!

Muscle is what drives your metabolism. For every pound of muscle on your body you need 35 - 50 calories per day to sustain it. For every pound of fat on your body, you need a modest 2 calories per day. Hint: begin strength training today! Female Fat is Different from Male Fat Men and women do not live in an equal world when it comes to our bodies and specifically body fat. Men are taller with larger muscles and bones and a faster metabolism. At puberty, girls put on fat and boys put on muscle. 

From fertilization to breastfeeding, women have different physical experiences than men. Although the odds may appear to be stacked against women they can overcome these obstacles and make improvements to their shape and health. Fat Storage Women are both blessed and cursed with the ability to store excess body fat. Fat serves an important biological purpose by helping to insulate the body, pad the internal organs and provide energy. And nature has also cleverly designed women's bodies to carry almost double the amount of body fat as men because we bear and nourish babies. Fat is the primary energy source our bodies use to support fetal development. Therefore, to keep it available for the developing fetus, our bodies tend to store extra fat in the abs, hips, butt and thighs. Grrrreat!

Unfortunately, we don't have control over where our fat cells decide to swell and shrink, but we can make great strides in helping the cells release fat by exercising.
In order for fat to be metabolized, it must be released from the fat cell and be transported by the bloodstream, where it is shunted to the liver and other active tissues to be used as fuel. Unfortunately, blood flow to fatty tissues is poor compared to the circulation in muscles and organs. So, fat regions tend to remain fat partially due to poor blood circulation. The less circulation-stimulating exercise we perform, the more our bodies are inclined to accumulate fat, although more blame tends to lie with greater food intake.