Eating with a purpose

True healthy eating involves eating with a purpose. What are you eating and why? The foods that you select should be carefully selected and should possess the nutrients needed to over come some health issues and promote overall good health.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Types of Glucosamine to Avoid:

Glucosamine sulfate by itself is perfect for the body's use, but you should avoid Chondroitin Sulfate with the NaCL (or KCl) (or if the ingredients list says potassium or salt after the sulfate).Some manufacturers are somewhat tricky about this; remember, unless it only says Glucosamine Sulfate or HCL, you likely are getting an inferior product. It is easy for people to see the Chondroitin Sulfate and simply ignore the KCl abbreviation on the end. Since we are not all molecular scientists, paying attention to the NaCl and KCl ("the salts") highlights even more (unneeded but cheaper) carrier molecules that can be up to 30% of the product's weight. Albeit that some carrier molecules are needed... such as sulfate or HCL alone, this is primarily because raw Chondroitin exists as an unstable molecule. This arthritis supplement absolutely needs to be bound to the sulfate or HCL carrier in order to be stored successfully. NAG (N-Acetylglucosamine or N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine), is another rarer form of Chondroitin that should be totally avoided altogether due to it's ineffectiveness and useless expense. Be warned; watch out for Chondroitin products with those markings.

How does this supplement work?

This supplement will work inside your body by stimulating the production of the Glycans (). Your Glycans acts as a "nutrient base" for the growth of your cartilage. Stimulating the production of the Glycans will set off a complex chain of cellular construction that increases the density and viscosity of your cartilage over time. This healing process does not happen overnight like a drug, Chondroitin must be supplied continuosly with excercise over time that is relatant to your age and joint damage. This rebuilding and healing is exactly what reduces and eliminates your joint pain.

What is it and where does it come from?

Glucosamine is formed when glucose combines with an amino acid. It is a building block for cartilage. Glucosamine sulfate is a form of glucosamine that has some extremely beneficial uses, especially for healing connective tissue. This arthritis treatment is a small and simple molecular building block used to aid body builders and athletes with joint pain by helping to repair and lubricate the cartilage around damaged joints.The body absorbs this arthritis supplement quickly and efficiently when ingested. It is found in seashells and high quality supplements of Glucosamine sulfate are available from 77 Canada Pharmacy

What does it do and what scientific studies give evidence to support this?

According to convincing research, Chondroitin sulfate may take a part in healing wounds as well as regenerating cartilage in joints. By providing joints with the essential raw materials, Chondroitin sulfate can help rebuild cartilage and lessen joint pain. Research shows that it is absorbed into the body at a rate much more effective than other "joint-healers". Because of the small size of the molecules, they are absorbed at a rate of 98%--compare that to the mere 13% absorption rate of chondroitin sulfate, and you can understand why glucosamine sulfate works so much better. By stimulating production of additional synovial fluid, studies show that glucosamine sulfate helps keep joints in the body rolling smoothly. Recent studies have found that as a readily absorbed building block for cartilage, glucosamine sulfate works as a rebuilder of cartilage in humans.

Who needs it and what are some symptoms of deficiency?

Not only can those who suffer from joint pain benefit from this supplement intake, but athletes and bodybuilders can greatly benefit as well. In fact, nearly everybody who trains with weights may have a tendency to overuse certain joints, and consequently, this arthritis capsule can help to regain cushioning, protecting cartilage around joints. A deficiency has not been found to occur in humans.

How much should be taken? Are there any side effects?

Most studies show that supplementing a balanced diet with about 500 mg three times a day is very effective. There have been no reported cases of toxicity associated with proper dosages of glucosamine sulfate.

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