Eating with a purpose

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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Liver and Kindney Herbal Cleansers

Liver Detoxification Herbs

St Mary's Thistle (Also called Milk Thistle) (Silibum Marianum)

Milk thistle is a primary ingredient in many herbal liver detoxification supplements. One of its active constituents, the flavanolignans collectively called silymarin, protects the liver cells from damage and cell death due to chemical toxins.

The silymarins do this by making the cell wall less permeable, or open to absorbing the chemical toxins. And they also allow the RNA in the liver cells to continue being created. Together, this allows the liver to be regenerated 4 times faster than normal.

Other research found that milk thistle lowers blood lipids (circulating fats).

If you take Milk Thistle combined with patented phosphatidylcholine complex, you can take less because more is absorbed. Doses of this combination are generally between 100mg and 120mg taken once or twice a day. And, if you take a product that also contains artichoke, dandelion, licorice, turmeric, and/or boldo, the Milk Thistle doses often range between 100mg to 140 mg taken 2 or 3 times a day.

Artichoke (Cynara Scolymus)

Artichoke is another common ingredient in liver detoxification supplements. It has several benefits:

  • it increases the production of bile without adversely affecting the liver
  • it increases the excretion of cholesterol in bile
  • it inhibits cholesterol creation within the body
  • it potentially has a protective effect on liver cells that is greater than silybum in milk thistle. More study needs to be done on this in people to confirm it.

Artichoke helps in liver detoxification after treatment with arsenates, as well as generally increasing replication of liver cells. Thus, like milk thistle, it helps the liver regenerate faster.

Clinical studies support the role of artichoke in reducing cholesterol, and blood levels of triglycerides (fats).

Dandelion Root (Taraxacum Officinale)

Dandelion is used to help both liver and kidney function, though the leaves are better for the kidneys, and the root is better for the liver.

Dandelion is another common ingredient in liver detoxification remedies. Dandelion increase bile production, which then helps with digestion. It also means that toxic wastes are able to be better excreted in the feces. This means less recycled wastes for the liver to deal with, and hence an improved capacity to deal with new toxic wastes.

Kidney cleansers include:

Kidney Detox System Supporting Herbs:
Gravel root, juniper berries, uva ursi, burdock root, parsley, ginger root, lobelia leaf

This is a tonic for the kidneys. It helps to enrich the blood as well. Usually taken as tea or herbal supplement.

Magnesium citrate(best type of magnesium to be absorbed by our body):
It reduces saturation of crystals or stones from calcium salts by combining with calcium to form other complexes. It also slows down crystalline growth of calcium salts.

Nurturing foods:
Cranberry, millet, barley, tofu, string beans, kidney beans, water chestnuts, blueberry, spirulina, chlorella.

Some of the fruits and vegetables specially recommended for kidney detox include grapes, cranberries, spirulina, spinach, blueberries, nettles, dandelion, parsley, ginger, millet, barley, tofu, string beans, and asparagus.


Any variety of organically cultivated fresh grapes is suitable for cleansing the kidneys. Grapes are a rich source of potassium, and potassium has the ability to stimulate alkaline blood regulation, ensure that the kidneys function optimally and maintain heartbeat.

Grapes also help in cleansing the liver and kidneys by flushing out waste products like uric acid. A tall glass of fresh grape juice without adding water and sugar, if taken in the morning or afternoon, will ensure adequate kidney functioning. One can also eat fresh grapes regularly if it is not possible to run these in the blender everyday. Either way, grapes included in the regular diet help in kidney cleansing and detox.


Cranberries are a rich source of quinine, which converts itself to another chemical constituent called hippuric acid in the liver. This hippuric acid helps in the elimination of toxins like urea and uric acid which have a tendency to accumulate and cause several disease conditions. A cup of cranberries run through the blender with an adequate amount of water and one spoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice will help work effectively as akidney detox mechanism.

Nettle & Dandelion

Nettle soup or dandelion herbal teas are extremely effective in cleansing the kidneys and flushing out toxins. Herbal teas can be consumed two or three times per day.

Ginger Root & Turmeric Tea

Ginger root is another extremely effective kidney detox and, for maximum benefit, one can add turmeric to the mix since turmeric has some excellent antiseptic properties too. Ginger root peeled and boiled with two to three pinches of turmeric powder, strained, filtered and consumed can work effectively in flushing toxins out from the kidneys. This tea can be consumed twice everyday post lunch and dinner since it is good for digestion, too.

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